Thursday, December 31, 2015

Trump the Uniter

Recently Trump made these comments aboard his airplane to a number of reporters:
“Mine is a message of hope, not a message of fear.”
“”As a businessman, I have an obligation to get along with people;
that’s democrats, republicans, virtually every politician.”
“I have great respect for a number of the candidates I am running against.”
“I am extremely inclusive.  I am going to bring people together”  (how’s he doing so far…couldn’t resist)

Keep in mind that Trump really only cares about himself and his image, but YOU know that.  Even politicians do not need demean, degrade, and debase everyone who has ever disliked them or didn’t agree with them.
I have a another post of 68 people Trump has insulted.  It just takes three minutes. But, here are some  the HOPEFUL, INCLUSIVE, UNITING messages that Trump says or tweets.

 - government should shut down mosques, start a database to track them, and prohibit Muslims from entering the US.
  US should not accept Syrian refugees for fear that ISIS could be hiding among them”
“our country will be overrun.” “Mexico is sending their worst, their murderers and their rapists”
– “The Republicans don’t know how to negotiate, to be honest with you.”
“I’m a Republican, it’s embarrassing to watch them negotiate.”
African Americans
 – tweeted false crime statistics indicating most killings were done by black people. Protesters for Black Lives Matter “maybe should have been roughed up”.
Ben Carson
– Carson either totally fabricates his stories or worse he tried to hit his mother over the head with a hammer and tried to stab a friend. Violent criminal or pathological liar. “don”t know about his religion”
Marco Rubio
 – weak on illegal immigration. A lightweight.  Rubio is disloyal and asked Jeb Bush to denounce him as a friend.
Jeb Bush
- needs to be more competent. Low energy person. “lost” “pathetic”
George W. Bush
- “When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.”
Mitt Romney
 – “choke loss to Obama is 2012, blew an election that should never have been lost”
Carly Fiorina
 – “interrupted everyone during Nov 10 debates. She has a failing campaign.”
John Kasich
– “irrelevant to the race”,  “ a complete and total dud” “one of the worst presidential candidates in history”
Lindsey Graham
 – polling so low he should drop out
Hillary Clinton
– “weak on immigration”, “totally incompetent”, “corruption is what she’s best at”. – “one of the worst secretary of states  (sic)” “had a bad record” “Elect Hillary and you have a country that goes to hell”

Martin O’Malley
 – “the failed former Mayor of Baltimore and “a clown”. “Why is he on the stage?”
Barack Obama
– “Obama has a horrible attitude. “he is resigned to defeat” “Obama is insane for continuing his support of accepting Syrian refugees.”
John Kerry
– Kerry is ‘the worst of all time”
Bernie Sanders
 – “manic” “socialist/communist”
Bill de Blasio
- “de Blasio is the worst mayor in the united states.”
Jonathan Martin (NYT reporter)
– “such bad reporting, he should learn how to read the polls before writing his next story”
Serge Kovaleski (NYT reporter)
– mocked reporter for questioning Trump’s claim of seeing thousands of people cheering in New Jersey on the collapse of Twin Towers.
Trump mocked his disability by flailing his are arms saying “you oughta see this guy – “uh, I don’t know what I said, uh, I don’t remember.”
Chris Stirewalt (Fox News political editor)
 – “one of the dumbest political pundits on television”
Charles Lane (WSJ)
 –“ it’s amazing that some of the dumbest people on television work for the Wall Street Journal, in particular a real dope named Charles Lane”
George Will
 – “broken down political pundit”, “boring”, should be “thrown off Fox News”
Wall Street Journal – writers are “dummies”
Vanity Fair (Graydon Carter)
– “ Vanity Fair is doing really poorly” “watched Carter fail and close Spy Magazine. He is a total loser”
Associated Press (Jeff Horwitz)
–“ AP is irrelevant, and I can say from experience their reporting is terrible and highly inaccurate” “Horwitz is one of the worst reporters in the business”
Karl Rove
 – “Rove is a total fool and a biased dope”
Ronda Rousey
 “glad to see that Ronda Rousey lost her championship fight last night. Was soundly beaten – not a nice person”
- “their journalists are clowns”, “their reporting is dishonest”
Glenn Beck (and John Boehner)
 – “Wacky Glenn Beck who always seems to be crying (worse than John Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show, a real nut job”
Bill Kristol
– “dopey” “lost all credibility with so many dumb statements and picks”
Marc Thiessen
-  “a failed Bush speechwriter whose work was so bad that he has never been able to make a comeback.” “A third rate talent”

I would bet my house that I forgot a few people in this list, or that there won’t be many more before the first primaries. Remember, that if Trump attacks and demeans you, it is because he respects you and wants to unite everyone.