Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tea Party

Let's have a tea party. Want an invitation? Are you white, narrow minded and a constitutional supporter (what American isn't, in the broadest sense of support).
Tea Party: We get together and make sure we are all against something. I guess like the Republican party. We congregate and carry signs of our discontent. We don't like change. We want the status quo, but not this status quo. We want the George Bush status quo. You know the kind of status quo which brought us into deep recession and economic collapse..
We rail against the economic stimulus package, not because the country didn't need it, but because the President got it passed. Simply, it cost too much and not enough earmarks helped us personally. We believe the economy would fix itself as soon the corporate executive realized that their salaries and bonuses were incommensurate with their performances. We believe that whatever goes down comes back up. Except if the Democrats have anything to do with it.
Come to the tea party. Have a cup of discontent. Get a toy monkey, put it on your shoulder and march with the rest of us bigots. We all know that the President doesn't belong here in the U.S. Isn't he an African? Well the rest of us here are Americans. White Americans.