Wednesday, May 16, 2012


What is wrong with questioning? Certainly it is encouraged in school.

The teacher wants to know if the lesson is getting across clearly. Yet many students don't question because they assume everyone else knows what the lesson is about and they don't want to appear stupid. The result for these students is ignorance. That's why teachers ask questions directed to each of the students - to assess the success of the teaching. Questions hone the mind into sharpness.

Many religions make it very clear that questioning is frowned upon if not disallowed if the "believer" is to remain within the fold. The concept is that belief questioned, is belief denied.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Liar Liar Pants on FIRE

I was never a bully in school. Nor was I ever a bully to anyone.
  In my neighborhood I was bullied when I was a small boy.  Nothing severe, nothing emotionally scarring.  But, when I was bullied, I would run to my mother and hope that she would do something about it.  No.  Instead, her advice was to take care of it myself. 
Well, it took a while to figure out what to do and sometime later when I saw my nemesis walking in back of our apartments, I walked up to him, put him in a headlock and banged his head into a garage door over and over again until I thought I had made my point.  I had, he didn't fight back (he couldn't).  He never bothered me again. Bullies never pick on people who fight back.  Bullies have a personality defect.  They feel inadequate.  They bolster their self-esteem by controlling weaker individuals.
I have never allowed myself to bullied since, although there was no shortage of would-be bullies in Junior High school.   I  have always tried to avoid fights, physical or otherwise.  My competitive nature is expressed in sports, debate, and various games.  However,  unable to avoid a fight,  I know that even at 66,  I would pummel any physical aggressor with all my being.
Now to my point - Liar Liar.   By even a subtle interpretation of the saying,  Mitt Romney should be flaming all the time.  No one forgets bullying on either side of the aggression.
Certainly not a high school kid.  He remembers the incidents vividly.  He got sick pleasure from them.  If he thinks he was a prankster, not a bully,  he  is one sick dude. He was self-righteous and felt immune from consequences for his behavior.  Perhaps he felt a sense of entitlement for his behavior.  If that is true,  it has to have dangerously warped his personality.  Don't stand to close to him, one of these days his pants will ignite.